
What’s The Best Way to Learn New Framework?

By doing.

As simple as that.

For example, I don’t know the difference between Bootstrap 3 and 4.

So I created a project based on Bootstrap 4.

A simple dictionary website for people to find meaning of a word.

Basically it’s a place for people to search for meaning of a word in Malay.

To make it better, I also use Google Translate API to grab meaning in English and insert it into the DB. So it doesn’t have to query Google Translate all the time. It only query it one time and then I insert it into the DB.

The second time people visit the same page, the page won’t call Google Translate API again. Just have to query the database. I use MySQL for this project.

I originally use Vue with Axios for this website. Vue is after all the hottest thing right now. I first used it in one of the take-home coding interview and it seems quite interesting to use.

But the moment I saw the website in Google Index, it seems that Google doesn’t really crawl all the links inside.

So I turned back to using vanilla HTML website again.

I need to figure out a way how to make a Google-friendly Javascript-based website before I use Vue again.

At the website I also implemented a simple search suggestion using Bootstrap Typeahead so people can know what’s in the database before they click Cari.

As you can see, there are a lot of things that I am doing on the website under the hood. It’s pretty simple website, sure. But it means that I can learn how to use Bootstrap 4, Vue and Axios.

That’s how we can learn how to use a new programming framework — by using it. Every framework is a little bit different and the best way to learn about it is to implement it yourself.

So have a look at Makna Perkataan and tell me what you think!

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